Frequently Asked Questions
No. When we award students for the fall semester you are also awarded for the Spring semester.
You must complete the FAFSA application and meet all requirements to be considered for federal student loans.
Timing is everything and eligibility is vital. You do not need to take any additional steps. When you awarded financial aid we evaluate you for all grants that you meet the eligibility requirements for. Other than the Pell grant we have a limited amount of funding. Those funds are awarded on a first come basis. The later you are awarded in the year the less likely you are to be awarded additional grants. Normally incoming freshmen who are awarded in May or later or returning students who completed their financial aid file after April 15 are not awarded additional grant funds.
In April, when summer registration opens, a request will be placed on each students financial aid account called the Summer Terms and Conditions. If you are interested in attending summer school you will need to accept those terms and conditions. You will then be awarded the remaining financial aid with the expectation that you will take 6 hours. You will receive a notice once you are awarded.
Several weeks prior to the beginning of each semester we will tell the Business Office how much financial aid, including scholarships and loans, is going to disburse to the student's account. If there is more financial aid than the amount owed to Blinn, a book voucher will be generated for up to $1,200, but it could be less. The book voucher will appear as a charge to your account. This is the amount you are able to use to purchase your books and supplies. This amount could change if you add or drop classes.
Once the charge appears, you can purchase your books at either of the Barnes & Noble bookstores on campus or online.
The Endowed scholarship application opens February 1st of each year and stays open through December 31st. Scholarships are awarded in early April and throughout the year as additional funds become available. Students will not receive any notification unless they are awarded a scholarship.
Financial Aid is disbursed the day after the census date of each semester. The Business Office begins processing refunds and works with Bank Mobile to deliver refunds to students.
The U.S. Department of Education requires that the first disbursement of a student loan for any student who has never borrowed must be delayed 30 calendar days after the first day of the start of the semester. This only happens once.
No. You can see on the academic calendar when book vouchers for each semester will start being generated.
If you have had an income change that differs from the income reported on your FAFSA, please review the Parent or Student Recalculation forms for direction about possible resolutions.
If your family situation is not typical (according to the FAFSA definition), does not allow you to enter your parent information, and is not addressed on the FAFSA, please review the Dependency Override or Parental Data Override forms.
Once you are awarded financial aid, you can view cost of attendance by going to the Award Overview tab in the Financial Aid portal for the year you received financial aid
- Login to your myBLINN
- Click on the Financial Aid Dashboard icon
- Select the aid year. View "Satisfactory Academic Progress" and corresponding text.
- Appeal Sufficient: appeal has been approved for the current semester
- Appeal Insufficient: appeal has been denied for the current semester
All notifications will be sent to your myBLINN email address.
- Log into myBLINN
- Click on the "Financial Aid Dashboard" icon then select your aid year
- If "Awarded Financial Aid" has "Complete," you have been awarded.
- Log in to your myBLINN
- Click on the My Records icon
- Click on the link that says ‘Registration Hold – Prevents Registration’. If it has a [red X] you have holds.
- Log in to your myBLINN
- Click on the "Financial Aid Checklist" icon then select your aid year
- Click ‘Awarded Financial Aid,’ then click Award Overview
- The cost of attendance is an estimated break down of what it could cost to attend Blinn for a full academic year.
- Log in to your myBLINN
- Click on My Records --> Financial Aid Awards
- Select your aid year
- Click on Financial Aid --> Award Payment Schedule
- Your expected disbursement dates will show. After funds have disbursed to Blinn, it will take approximately 10 business days to authorize financial aid refunds to your refund preference.
Refund: The process in which any remaining funds not used for your tuition and other authorized expenses are paid to you. Refunds will be released to the refund method that you have selected through Nelnet Student Choice Refunds.
Disbursements are processed on the night of the 12th class day for Fall and Spring semesters. Summer disbursements are processed on the night of the fourth class day.
*Students who are freshmen or have not earned more than 30 credits hours will have to wait 30 days for their loan to post.
- Log in to your myBLINN
- Click on Current Students --> Financial Aid and Scholarships
- Click on Scholarship Information --> How to Apply for Scholarships
- Log in to your myBLINN
- Click on the Financial Aid Checklist icon, then select your aid year
- Click on ‘Student Authorization for Non-Standard Charges’ or the ‘Resources/Additional Information’ tab.
If classes are dropped after financial aid has been disbursed, you may owe a balance. Students who drop below six credit hours will owe partial loan funds or have future disbursements canceled.
Students who withdraw early in the semester will likely owe funds back to the school. If a student withdraws from all classes and received Pell and/or loans, the U.S. Department of Education requires that the school calculate how much the student earned.
Please see the video in the question above for more information.